We are the Children of Gaza

We are the children of Gaza
Our eyes soaked in death and destruction
Our hearts carry life with all its glory
Our parents reach out to us from under the rubble
Please don’t die!
Please carry our names forward
Our dreams and wishes for a good life remain
Please don’t die!
Take us into your heart and save our ancestral heritage
Please don’t die!
Remain in the land that wishes to nurture you
Grow up and irrigate it to grow your dreams
Please don’t die!
Come for we are one!
Come for we are a family of brothers and sisters
Please don’t die!
Our enemy is the one who stole your land and killed your dreams
Our enemy is the one who’s brutality knows no bounds
Our enemy is the one who arrogantly claims to be a victim while our bodies decompose under collapsed buildings
Please don’t die!
Carry on and remain in the fight!
Break the bounds and get to freedom
Please don’t die!
Grow an olive tree and eat its fruits
Rejoice in the scent of thyme and sage
For God sees you from the heavens
For God understands your pain and has taken some of you as martyrs
The birds of paradise shall light up its sky
And we will watch you fly
Please don’t die!
Know that one day you shall wear your prettiest clothes
You shall be fed, and you’ll have a roof above your head
Please don’t die!
You shall go back to school and learn
You shall build the city, its streets, and parks
Please don’t die!
We are here with you as one family
From the river to the sea
Palestine shall be free!